Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


Welcome to our website and article submission section. These Terms of Service (“Terms”) apply to your access to and use of the websites, mobile applications, article submission, and other online products and services (collectively, the “Services”) provided by Sports Analysis Portal Ltd (“we”, “us”, “our”). By clicking your consent (e.g. “Continue,” “Sign-in,” or “Sign-up,”) or by using our Services, you agree to these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, please do not use our Services.


Please review our other policies posted on this site. These policies also govern your use of our website and services. We reserve the right to make changes to our site, policies, and these Terms of Use at any time. If any of these conditions shall be deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.


By using our Services, you’re agreeing to be bound by these Terms. Please see our Privacy Policy for information about how we collect, use, share and otherwise process information about you.


All content on this website, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, trademarks, logos, sounds, music, artwork and computer code (collectively, “Content”), is owned by us or our licensors and is protected by copyright laws. You are not permitted to use this Content without our prior written consent.

User-Generated Content

Users are permitted to submit their own blog posts for publication in our community section. By submitting content to us, you represent and warrant that you own all rights to the content or have the necessary rights to grant us the rights to use the content as provided in these Terms. By agreeing you grant Sports Analysis Portal Ltd a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, fully paid, and sub-licensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly perform and display your content and any name, username or likeness provided in connection with your content in all media formats and distribution methods now known or later developed on the Services.


You agree not to submit any content that infringes on any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party. We have the right but not the obligation to monitor and edit or remove any user-submitted content. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any content posted by you or any third party.


Users are permitted to write comments on our website. Any comments deemed inappropriate or offensive may be removed at our discretion. Users are responsible for their own comments and may be held legally accountable for any libellous or offensive comments. By posting comments on our website you grant us a license to use, display, reproduce, distribute, modify and create derivative works of your comments.


If we are informed prior to submitting your article, you can request for the commenting of your post to be disabled. However, this must be explicitly requested in the submission form.

Links Policy

Links are not allowed in user-submitted articles or comments unless they are used as direct reference to a secure and non-fraudulent website.

Affiliate Marketing

As outlined in the Disclaimer, our website contains links to other websites (“Affiliated Sites”) where we receive an affiliate commission for any purchases you make on the Affiliated Sites at no additional cost to you. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating the content or accuracy of any Affiliated Sites nor are we responsible for any transactions between you and any Affiliated Sites.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track the performance of our website and patterns in use. We do not use this software to collect individual personal data. The type of information we collect includes how users find our website, how they interact with us and their demographic information such as age, gender and interests. This information is used for statistical purposes only and is subject to Google’s Privacy Policy.


If you choose to sign up for our newsletter, we will collect your email address in order to send you news updates. By signing up for the newsletter you agree to receive emails from us. If at any time you wish to unsubscribe from receiving future emails we include clear unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email.


Users may create accounts on our website. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information including username and password. Users are responsible for all activities that occur under their account and agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorised use of their account.


You’re free to stop using our Services at any time. Violation of these guidelines or any part of our Terms of Use may result in the termination of your account. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Services with or without notice.


We reserve the right at any time to modify these Terms and Conditions and impose new or additional terms or conditions on your use of our service. Such modifications will be effective immediately upon posting on the website.

Electronic Communications

When you use our website or send emails to us you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by email or by posting notices on this site.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Agreement, please contact us filling this contact form